////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////:D // Nintenduh's Sealing the Wound Mission Macro for JE's v1.5 // Modified version of GizMo's Warp Procedure ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////:D // // Things to note: // // - This will only work @ 1024x768 resolution. // - You will require MAX Wormhole ability. // - Start with nothing in your hold. // - Make Sure the Balm Injecter is the first option in your // recent recipie list (ie. the lest thing you have built). // - Your Balm Injector will always be installed on the first // device slot. You may set which activation slot to use by // changing the balminject=# variable in the Constants section. // - You will need atleast 9 refine options above hydrazine for // this to work correctly. // - If your camera more switches to first person mode, you can // press F9 to correct it. It wont really matter anyway but // it's just somthing good to know :) // // Things that MUST be in your VAULT : // - L1 Nitrogen (8 raw per run) // - L1 Hydrogen (4 raw per run) // - L4 Consummate Balm (2 per run) // - L5 Evolver Alloy Launch Tube (1 per run) // // Enjoy :) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////:D Constants yourtoonsname=yournamehere // Your toons name.. duh :) repeatloop=1 // The # of times it will complete the mission. whbutton=3 // Slot # for WH warpbuff=2 // Kraken, Loonies Hunk O' Metal warp buff balminject=1 // Slot # for Balm Injector ( mem1=00BDBB80 // For Starbase mem2=00BDB1C0 // For Starbase completed=0 // Dont play with me GateOrDock=0 // Me either anyn=1 mnyn=1 ////////////////////////////////:D // Location ////////////////////////////:D location=1 ////////////////////////:D // 1 = Paren Docking Bay // 2 = Paren Lobby to get the mission // 3 = Paren Lobby to refine Hydrasine // 4 = Paren Lobby to build the injector (Remember to build it once so its the first in the recent recipies list) // 5 = Leaving Lobby for space // 6 = Outside Paren for buffing and about to set wormhole // 7 = Endriago to Vega System // 8 = Primus to Tarsis // 9 = *not functional yet* Tarsus to fill the big hole // 10 = *not functional yet* Outside paren about to dock and finish mission end SetActiveWindow Earth & Beyond delay 5000 loop $repeatloop if $location=1 say /t $yourtoonsname $completed globs down the hatch delay 2500 Compute $completed = $completed + 1 delay 1000 call parendock2lobby call parenlobbygetmission call refinehydra call manuinjector call parenlobby2docknleave call outsideparen call endriagotovega call primustotar call tar call enterparen else if $location=2 say /t $yourtoonsname $completed globs down the hatch delay 2500 Compute $completed = $completed + 1 delay 1000 call parenlobbygetmission call refinehydra call manuinjector call parenlobby2docknleave call outsideparen call endriagotovega call primustotar call tar call enterparen call parendock2lobby else if $location=3 say /t $yourtoonsname $completed globs down the hatch delay 2500 Compute $completed = $completed + 1 delay 1000 call refinehydra call manuinjector call parenlobby2docknleave call outsideparen call endriagotovega call primustotar call tar call enterparen call parendock2lobby call parenlobbygetmission else if $location=4 say /t $yourtoonsname $completed globs down the hatch delay 2500 Compute $completed = $completed + 1 delay 1000 call manuinjector call parenlobby2docknleave call outsideparen call endriagotovega call primustotar call tar call enterparen call parendock2lobby call parenlobbygetmission call refinehydra else if $location=5 say /t $yourtoonsname $completed globs down the hatch delay 2500 Compute $completed = $completed + 1 delay 1000 call parenlobby2docknleave call outsideparen call endriagotovega call primustotar call tar call enterparen call parendock2lobby call parenlobbygetmission call refinehydra call manuinjector else if $location=6 say /t $yourtoonsname $completed globs down the hatch delay 2500 Compute $completed = $completed + 1 delay 1000 call outsideparen call endriagotovega call primustotar call tar call enterparen call parendock2lobby call parenlobbygetmission call refinehydra call manuinjector call parenlobby2docknleave else if $location=7 say /t $yourtoonsname $completed globs down the hatch delay 2500 Compute $completed = $completed + 1 delay 1000 call endriagotovega call primustotar call tar call enterparen call parendock2lobby call parenlobbygetmission call refinehydra call manuinjector call parenlobby2docknleave call outsideparen else if $location=8 say /t $yourtoonsname $completed globs down the hatch delay 2500 Compute $completed = $completed + 1 delay 1000 loop $repeatloop call primustotar call tar call enterparen call parendock2lobby call parenlobbygetmission call refinehydra call manuinjector call parenlobby2docknleave call outsideparen call endriagotovega else if $location=9 say /t $yourtoonsname $completed globs down the hatch delay 2500 Compute $completed = $completed + 1 delay 1000 call tar call enterparen call parendock2lobby call parenlobbygetmission call refinehydra call manuinjector call parenlobby2docknleave call outsideparen call endriagotovega call primustotar else if $location=10 say /t $yourtoonsname $completed globs down the hatch delay 2500 Compute $completed = $completed + 1 delay 1000 call enterparen call parendock2lobby call parenlobbygetmission call refinehydra call manuinjector call parenlobby2docknleave call outsideparen call endriagotovega call primustotar call tar else end end end end end end end end end end end end procedure parendock2lobby call starbasereset delay 1000 keydown a 3000 delay 150 keydown {right} 65 delay 150 keydown a 6000 end procedure parenlobbygetmission call runtoariad delay 500 call testariad delay 500 mousepos 494,394 delay 500 call testariad delay 1000 end procedure refinehydra call runtorefine call testan call rfhy end procedure runtoariad call starbasereset delay 3000 keydown {right} 570 delay 150 keydown a 1200 delay 500 mousepos 494,394 end procedure runtorefine call starbasereset delay 3000 keydown {left} 1020 delay 950 keydown a 800 delay 750 mousepos 380,221 delay 250 end procedure runtomanu call starbasereset delay 3000 keydown {right} 865 delay 150 keydown a 1900 delay 750 mousepos 351, 168 end //Procedure testan //loop 500 // ISOBJECT testan AT 379,231 // break // else // call runtorefine // delay 200 // end // end //end Procedure testhydricon delay 1000 loop 8000 delay 3000 ISOBJECT hydricon AT 898,431 break else delay 3000 say /t $yourtoonsname That ain't no hydrazine fool! :O You need nine or more refine options above hydrazine for this to work end end end procedure testrefinebutton loop 8000 delay 250 ISOBJECT refinebutton AT 251, 263 else delay 3500 say /t $yourtoonsname Oops. No refine button. Waiting. end end end Procedure testan delay 1000 loop 500 ISOBJECT testan AT 356,210 else delay 3000 call runtorefine end end end Procedure testman loop 500 ISOBJECT testman AT 351,179 else delay 5000 call runtomanu end end end Procedure testbio loop 500 delay 750 ISOBJECT bio AT 376,311 break else say /t $yourtoonsname The Balm Injector is the first option in your recent build list. mousepos 691, 276 delay 250 dragto 691, 519 delay 250 end end end Procedure testariad delay 1000 loop 500 ISOBJECT testariad AT 505,390 delay 500 leftclick delay 2500 mousepos 879, 474 delay 750 call testctt delay 500 // You Return, Seeker. Blah blah mousepos 331, 665 // leftclick // It is my desire... delay 250 // Our efforts will yadda yadda mousepos 879, 474 delay 500 leftclick delay 500 break else delay 5000 call runtoariad end end end Procedure testctt delay 5000 ISOBJECT testctt AT 872, 480 else delay 5000 call testothrplayer end end Procedure testothrplayer delay 5000 ISOBJECT testothrplayer AT 479, 355 delay 5000 mousepos 479, 355 delay 200 leftclick end end procedure rfhy delay 300 leftclick delay 8000 mousepos 691, 276 delay 250 dragto 691, 519 delay 250 mousepos 403,535 delay 250 leftclick delay 250 call testhydricon delay 500 mousepos 302, 270 //call testrefinebutton delay 2000 leftclick delay 5300 leftclick delay 1000 mousepos 692, 209 delay 250 leftclick end procedure manuinjector delay 500 call runtomanu delay 500 call testman delay 5000 //mousepos 364, 222 //delay 250 leftclick delay 5000 mousepos 364, 222 delay 250 leftclick delay 1000 call testbio delay 250 mousepos 379, 317 delay 250 leftclick delay 250 mousepos 255, 262 delay 1000 leftclick delay 3000 mousepos 687, 165 delay 250 leftclick delay 3000 keys i mousepos 41,330 delay 600 dragto 754, 266 delay 300 keys i delay 300 end procedure parenlobby2docknleave call runoutoflobby call runtoship delay 500 mousepos 700, 230 call testleave leftclick call WaitForSector end procedure runoutoflobby call starbasereset delay 3000 keydown {right} 140 delay 150 keydown a 6000 end procedure runtoship call starbasereset delay 150 keydown {right} 800 delay 150 keydown a 1250 delay 500 end procedure testleave loop 500 delay 5000 ISOBJECT testleave AT 699,236 break else mousepos 700, 230 delay 5000 call runoutoflobby call runtoship end end end procedure outsideparen delay 1000 keys ` delay 250 keys $warpbuff delay 1000 call setwhendriago delay 1000 keys $whbutton delay 120 call WaitForSector end procedure endriagotovega delay 1000 call warp 275, 428 Call Gate Call WaitForSector end procedure primustotar delay 1000 call warp 206, 395 Call Gate Call WaitForSector end procedure tar delay 1000 call warp 281, 355 delay 1000 call mstm delay 9000 keys $balminject delay 15000 call setwhka delay 1000 keys $whbutton delay 500 Call WaitForSector end procedure enterparen delay 1000 keys w delay 1000 call gate Call WaitForSector delay 7500 end procedure setwhka delay 1000 if $whbutton=1 mousepos 274, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 274, 338 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else if $whbutton=2 mousepos 336, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 336, 338 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else if $whbutton=3 mousepos 406, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 406, 338 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else if $whbutton=4 mousepos 635, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 635, 338 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else if $whbutton=5 mousepos 700, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 700, 338 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else if $whbutton=6 mousepos 760, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 760, 338 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else end end end end end end end procedure setwhendriago delay 1000 if $whbutton=1 mousepos 274, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 274, 657 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else if $whbutton=2 mousepos 336, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 336, 657 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else if $whbutton=3 mousepos 406, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 406, 657 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else if $whbutton=4 mousepos 635, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 635, 657 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else if $whbutton=5 mousepos 700, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 700, 657 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else if $whbutton=6 mousepos 760, 715 delay 700 rightclick delay 700 mousepos 760, 657 delay 700 leftclick delay 700 leftclick delay 700 else end end end end end end end procedure starbasereset setmemory $mem1, 0 setmemory $mem2, 1239513710 say /starbase reset delay 100 end Procedure Map SetActiveWindow Earth & Beyond keydown m 2000 Delay 3000 End Procedure WarpButton Keydown q 3000 Delay 12 sec End Procedure PlotRoute using a, b SetActiveWindow Earth & Beyond Loop 100 IsObject Maximize at 358, 337 Break Else IsObject Minimize at 562, 187 MousePos 562, 187 LeftClick Delay 1 sec Else keydown m 2000 Delay 1 sec End End End MousePos 65, 346 Leftclick Rightclick loop 2 MousePos 33, 607 DragTo 364, 361 End MousePos $a, $b Delay 1 sec Loop 5 LeftClick 100 Delay 1 sec End End Procedure WaitForSector loop 500 ISOBJECT GatingScreen AT 483, 739 Break Else Delay 100 End End While 1=1 ISOBJECT GatingScreen AT 483, 739 Delay 100 Else Break End End Delay 4000 RightMouseUp End Procedure Warp Using x, y Keydown ` 100 Delay .5 sec Call Map Call PlotRoute $x, $y Call WarpButton End Procedure mstm SetActiveWindow Earth & Beyond loop 180 ISOBJECT mdm at 836,558 Delay 3000 Break Else ISOBJECT mdm at 836, 558 Delay 3000 Break Else Delay 2000 End End End If $GateOrDock = 0 End End Procedure Gate SetActiveWindow Earth & Beyond loop 180 // Add or subtract from this loop for less or more time to recover. 2 Seconds per loop. ISOBJECT GateButton AT 982, 502 Delay 2000 MousePos 990,515 Delay 1 sec LeftMouseDown Delay 2 sec LeftMouseUp Delay 2 sec Loop 3 LeftClick End SetConst GateOrDock = 1 Break Else ISOBJECT DockButton AT 982, 502 Delay 2000 MousePos 990,515 Delay 1 sec LeftMouseDown Delay 2 sec LeftMouseUp Loop 3 LeftClick End Break Else Delay 2000 End End End If $GateOrDock = 0 // Call Resume End End Object GatingScreen 66=0,0|148=2,0|76=4,0|173=6,0|79=8,0|174=10,0|66=12,0| 54=0,2|57=2,2|69=4,2|130=6,2|69=8,2|124=10,2|54=12,2| End Object Object Maximize 82=0,0|89=2,0|110=4,0|170=6,0|89=8,0|100=10,0| 88=0,2|91=2,2|127=4,2|212=6,2|89=8,2|89=10,2| 87=0,4|87=2,4|155=4,4|220=6,4|86=8,4|85=10,4| 227=0,6|231=2,6|231=4,6|235=6,6|231=8,6|231=10,6| 78=0,8|82=2,8|127=4,8|212=6,8|83=8,8|80=10,8| 86=0,10|90=2,10|128=4,10|212=6,10|91=8,10|82=10,10| End Object Object Minimize 81=0,0|86=0,2|73=0,4 84=2,0|237=2,2|73=2,4 80=4,0|237=4,2|73=4,4 End Object GateButton 64=0,0|76=0,2|128=0,4|236=0,6|112=0,8|175=0,10 70=2,0|81=2,2|84=2,4|78=2,6|250=2,8|242=2,10 70=4,0|85=4,2|89=4,4|164=4,6|255=4,8|242=4,10 75=6,0|87=6,2|81=6,4|115=6,6|101=6,8|97=6,10 84=8,0|91=8,2|83=8,4|82=8,6|83=8,8|84=8,10 83=10,0|94=10,2|94=10,4|229=10,6|231=10,8|230=10,10 End Object DockButton 51=0,0|85=0,2|230=0,4|209=0,6|231=0,8|145=0,10 53=2,0|124=2,2|252=2,4|225=2,6|88=2,8|82=2,10 54=4,0|140=4,2|234=4,4|169=4,6|78=4,8|88=4,10 69=6,0|82=6,2|86=6,4|88=6,6|89=6,8|88=6,10 77=8,0|68=8,2|64=8,4|66=8,6|80=8,8|88=8,10 65=10,0|86=10,2|171=10,4|196=10,6|72=10,8|89=10,10 End Object mdm 248=0,0 252=71,0 end Object testan 252=0,0 244=2,0 end Object testman 1=0,0 225=8,0 end object testariad 253=0,0 end object testctt 255=0,0 end object testleave 255=0,0 end object hydricon 250=0,0 253=1,0 end object refinebutton 179=0,0 179=1,0 end object bio 255=0,0 255=0,1 end object testothrplayer 250=0,0 end